
Galaxy Tab一出,立即成為風頭躉,看來Google的合縱策略還相當成功。

此外,在電視市場方面,根據蘋果日報報導,一直以硬件銷售為主的韓國品牌 Samsung, 2010年初已推出 Samsung Apps,當電視連接上網後便可利用其中的串流高清影片程式,影片供應商比 Google及蘋果已公佈的網上電視商稍多,分別有 Block buster、 Netflix及 hulu Plus等。Apple TV推出後,Samsung電視事務部主管 Yoon Boo Keun表示正在評估跟 Google合作的可行性。


  1. Samsung’s Galaxy, similar to most other Android tablets, are using the OS of Android 2.2. However, Google has recently saying that Android 2.2 is not best fit for tablet, it is more suitable for smartphones. Therefore, it will still face a tough battle against iPad. Considering Apple just announced its upcoming iOS4.2 which will be release soon, and iPad 2 will come out in 1Q 2011, Android tablets will have a even tougher time catching up with Apple to provide a great hardware-software experience to consumers comparing with iPad. On top of that, developers are still wondering what Google is planning to do in the long run with the Chrome OS which is said to be more suitable for notebook and netbook development, but not exactly for tablet neither. Unless Google has a clear direction on picking and developing either Android or Chrome OS for tablet for the long haul, Android tablets would only create noise in the market rather than post serious challenge to iPad.


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